We offer a “Standard” and “Premium” quality factory painted featheredge board.

Manufactured from FSC® certified Spruce (Picea abies), and coated in a factory controlled environment ensuring a high-quality finish which is rarely achieved when painting on site.

Standard Featheredge

Pack size – 180 pcs x 4.8m long

Coverage – 140mm face cover = 7.14 lm per m2

Our standard board is a traditional 175mm wide Featheredge profile and has 2 factory applied coats of paint. The base coat includes an anti- fungal preservative and it comes with a manufacturer backed 7-year warranty. Within 6 months of initial installation the standard board will require an additional coat of paint.

For this we recommend using Sikkens Cetol BL Opaque – colour RAL 9005, or equivalent product.


Premium Featheredge

Pack size – 180 pcs x 4.8m long

Coverage – 153mm face cover = 6.53 lm per m2

Our premium board is a 175mm wide rebated Featheredge profile and has 3 factory applied coats of paint, also including an anti-fungal preservative in the base layer. The tapered rebate ensures the flat installation of the board, and relief groves in the reverse face help stability in use. The premium board requires no further coating on site. It is recommended to overcoat the exposed nail heads if they puncture the surface of the board.



Standard and Premium

Produced in accordance with EN 14915:20014

Wood species – European Whitewood (picea abies),

Moisture content – Kiln dried 18% +/- 2%

Surface – fine sawn face

Use class – BS EN 335 Use Class 3a  (coated timber, above ground, in a vertical plane, exposed to frequent wetting)

Dimensions – 22mm tapering to 6mm +/-1mm x 175mm +/-2mm

Paint – Basecoat Axil 3000P (grey tint) with anti-fungal preservative – applied to all 4 sides

Topcoats – Sikkens Rubbol façade – applied to all 3 exposed sides

Colour – Black RAL 9005


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